Scott has had a long and varied career in science, ranging from university faculty, to drug discovery for psychiatric indications, to drug safety, to developing visual assays for models of eye disease, all of which are based in psychology.. He began studying psychology as an undergraduate at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and obtained his PhD in biological psychology from The University of Michigan. Scott has always been deeply involved in psychology and eventually, after the many vagaries of life changed his path, he chose to pursue a life in psychotherapy with his clinical MSW degree.
Scott brings his scientific background to the therapy room with a deep understanding of the psychopharmacology regimens that many clients are all too familiar with. Additionally, an experimental approach to therapy in which he and the clients practice different approaches and techniques to find the ones that work best.
As one who keeps learning, Scott has continued studying beyond his formal school education to better serve clients. This has led to the theoretical basis he follows now: Relational Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (see the Psychotherapy page of the website).
On the personal side, Scott rides his road bicycle (a lot), has had short fiction published, enjoys film as literature, and has an absurdist sense of humor (Humor is important to a therapeutic relationship).