I recommend this book to many of my clients.

I first read it in college (years ago). I bought it, lay on the couch, and read it straight through. It has stayed with me since then. Indeed, I have the very same copy in my office.

What is it about?  “It’s about how to stay happy and calm under all circumstances.”

One might ask: How do we learn that from Pooh?  Let me give a couple of thoughts on that. Many of us grew up with the books and the Disney adaptations, and love the stories and all the characters (Yes. Some more than others.). We all love Pooh, a bear of simple mind who accepts everyone. And that is the secret- acceptance. Rabbit is a frenetic being and with his impatience can frustrate those around him.  Pooh acknowledges how he feels (Oh, Bother) and accepts that Rabbit is how he is and Pooh feels calm. Tigger is chaos incarnate. Pooh accepts him. Pooh accepts all those around him… “Pooh just is”.

The book is available through several used-book dealers, and at local libraries. Pick it up. Give it a read. Find what works for you in it.